My Picks for Open-Minded Blogs in Religion and Politics

My Picks for Open-Minded Blogs in Religion and Politics

Sorry for the delay in posting my five recommends for the Open Minded Blog award.

It turns out that many of my favorite blogs are not terribly open-minded (grin).

Politics – generally speaking – turned out to be a dud. I started exploring to see what I could find. Not much, I’m afraid. For one thing, I think it’s really a very difficult time in the United States for finding open-mindedness in politics. My personal disgust and depression about American politics is a hard thing to overcome – at least for the moment. I agree in theory that open-mindedness and civility are the right way to go. However, I think there are too many issues and problems that need straightforward statements and positions – many of them in outright opposition to current policies and actions. Compromise isn’t working. In addition, the whole discourse is so contaminated and overdetermined by various interests that I almost despair of seeing the kind of change that I think we need to survive and thrive in future. So, overall, I don’t think I’m in a position to extoll the virtues of open-mindedness in political opinion just now.

So then I turned to religion. You might think, given recent posts, that the topic would be more difficult than even politics. It isn’t, though. I already have a number of favorites, and found many more with spiritual and religio-political themes.

Some of the best ones are actually institutions, or group blogs, and I got the impression that this award was really for discovery, not reinforcement. On top of that, many blogs I read don’t actually have a great deal of interactivity, or they don’t post on a regular enough basis. More than a couple had decided to take some time off.

After the initial weed-through, I had a list of about thirty blogs – to whittle down to five choices. This was not easy. At all.

There a number of great blogs with spiritual concerns of various kinds. I tend to prefer the ones that deal in some way with other concerns as well. There are many who are worthy of the award. Finally, I just picked five on the list that I have enjoyed. They have the requisite qualifications of civility, openness, receptivity and interactivity – and I feel comfortable recommending them to others. They are grounded in somewhat different traditions/perspectives, but I like the vibe on all of these.

  1. T h i s * i s * i t – “Life. This is all there is. Start living.”
  2. Blog of the Grateful Bear – “ramblings of a freelance panentheist { “all things are in God, and God is in all things” } . . . musings on spirituality, mysticism, Sufism, lost gospels, cats, music, healing, interfaith dialogue, gay and lesbian issues, and more.”
  3. The Cartoon Church Blog – Delightful cartoons and observations.
  4. Even the Devils Believe – “I hope that this blog can serve primarily as a forum for talking about spirituality, liturgy, and the many paths to love and humility.”
  5. slacktivist – “Knock, breathe, shine, and seek to mend.”

Winners, go here for more information.

Please comment if you can recommend additional open-minded, kind and civil blogs on the topics of politics and/or religion. I would really like to add to my list.

2 thoughts on “My Picks for Open-Minded Blogs in Religion and Politics

  1. Hey there … just trying to get the word out there that since last October I’ve tried my hand at a lil blog called ON THE FRITZ … loosely connected with our lectionary/weekly readings, I try to write as a preacher/theologian/musician/shrink about the stuff that happens to me and/or all of us in this nutty world. Take a look.

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